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smart classroom

Knowledge is key to unlock the greatness in your child. We have taken the first step in unlocking every student’s potential by giving every student the opportunity to build knowledge by increasing teachability, accessibility and engagement.


For this, Digital Smart Classroom promises to make available quality study resources with more than 20,000 questions in our library for our students to self-study and prepare for examinations. 

We will journey with your child.

Our learning worksheets

We increase teachability by


  • having a rigorous curricula provide students with opportunities for productive struggle that forge a
    resilient mindset that prepares them for the challenges
    they'll face outside the classroom.

  • having  a curricula designed to engage students by connecting content to the real world.

  • establishing a familiarity to exam-related questions with a 94% coverage based on 2021 school papers.

  • revising key concepts in various subjects and hone the skills necessary for examinations. 

  • We will upload the live notes two hours after each class to allow easy access for our students. 

Science Discussion

 The students watch and discuss context videos
from P3 through S4. These videos include
a real-life situation where we use authentic phenomena to teach core science concepts so students can make sense of the world around them.

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